Hope House Development Archive

Injury to pedestrian on Lansdown Road (11 October 2018)
"On 10th Oct a pedestrian was injured while walking down the west side of Lansdown Road from Lansdown Place East, alongside the Hope House hoardings.  A Park and Ride bus was coming down Lansdown Road, beside the hotel, at the same time as a car sped up the road, hitting her.  The Emergency Services attended.  This shows the dangers (a) of walking down the western side of Lansdown Road, which currently has no pavement, and (b) of the further narrowing of the road at that point, caused by the scaffolding erected on the hotel." 

Hope House Update (6 July 2018)

Hope House Hoarding Photographs - 18/02304/AR:
  The original planning approval for advertising on the hoardings around Hope House (listed Grade 2) was detailed as to what could (and could not) be displayed, and was much reduced from the applicant's initial proposal in order to respect the facts that it was in a Conservation Area and could be distracting to drivers on busy Lansdown Road.  Specifically, it excluded photographs, as advised by the Council's Highways Officer. In May, new advertising appeared around the doorway into Hope House, most of which consists of large and distracting photographs, which could lead to some kind of accident.  Following intervention by the Association, retrospective planning approval has been sought by Acorn.  Members may wish to comment on, or object to, this; but be quick!  The deadline is today, but the Planners usually allow a period of grace.  

Please note below:

It’s no longer possible to comment in the usual way, but here are the instructions from the B&NES website re late commenting:
‘You may still be able to comment on an application that is outside the consultation period and before it is decided by emailing development_management@bathnes.gov.uk. We recommend you do so as soon as possible because a decision can be made any time after the consultation period has expired.’

Balanced Flues on Roof of Hope House Block D: Update (23 May 2018)
Following intervention by the Association and the Planning Authority, the four vertical flues have been removed, but it is not known where they may reappear!

Hope House development, 28.10.17

Hope House development, 28.10.17

Message re Hope House Christmas Shutdown, 21 December 2017
As the festive period swiftly approaches we are preparing to shut down. Our last day will be tomorrow, Friday 22nd December 2017 and we will return on Tuesday 2nd January 2018. As always I will be keeping an eye on the site, but if you notice anything unusual please do not hesitate to contact me, as the emergency contact on 07584 356 750.
Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Paul Willis, Project Manager

For more information, contact:
Robin Kerr (Chairman) | Email

Hope House Site Traffic, 27 November 2017
Multiple recent reports have demonstrated that Rhatigan delivery drivers have been disregarding the formal agreement not to use Lansdown Place East, Lansdown Crescent or Lansdown Place West, thus causing hazards and disruption.
Additionally, it has been reported that a crane was parked in Lansdown Road from 6am to 7.30am on 24 November, partially obstructing traffic, and causing both environmental and noise impact by leaving its engine running throughout. The B&NES Traffic Department are aware of this incident.
The LCA has written to Rhatigan concerning their responsibilities to residents and other road users, and will follow this communication up as required to ensure that these issues do not recur.
For more information, contact:
Nick Bishop (Traffic) | Email

Hope House Site Redevelopment, Newsletter, 26 April 2017
Click here

Hope House Site Redevelopment, Update 3 April 2017
Lee Jones (JJ Rhatigan, upper site developers) writes:
"I can confirm that work has started back on site on the retaining wall to the ramp and also the crane base. I can also confirm that the site offices will now be all on one level and not stacked which will please the residents to the lower end of the site.
Retaining wall ongoing.
Block D foundations to start in 4 weeks.
Block C foundation to start in 5 weeks.
Tower crane installation in 3 weeks."

Hope House Site Redevelopment: Brief Update, 14 March 2017
Lee Jones (JJ Rhatigan, upper site developers) writes:
"We are in a period of design at present and the piling finished quicker than we planned. There will be a 2 week break on site while we are finalising details on the design."

Hope House Site Redevelopment: Lansdown Grove Presentations - Corrected Invitation to Residents re Thursday 16 February 2017
Click here

Hope House Site Redevelopment: Development Update from Kelly Brown, Acorn Project Manager, 16 January 2017
The application for Hoarding signage has been approved by B&NES and will be installed w/c 23rd January 2017. Working times are restricted to between 0930-1500hrs and traffic management will be place for the works.
A new piling rig will be delivered to site over the coming days to commence with bearing piles to each of the blocks. Attenuation stormcell
[for surface water attenuation] will also be installed and a new site setup put in place for the construction.
We are now in Contract with JJ Rhatigans who will be undertaking construction of the upper site. Our plan is to hold a residents' meeting early Feb at the Lansdown Grove Hotel where JR’s Construction Team introduce themselves, carry out a short presentation regarding the construction/logistics, sequencing, programme etc. and then they will be available to answer any queries residents have. Once we have a confirmed date with the Hotel I will send out an invite (post and email) and display notices around the site.

Hope House Site Redevelopment: Developer's Newsletter no.6, October 2016
Click here

Hope House 15/04715/FUL: update, 19 September 2016
Click here
The application at the above link has now been approved by B&NES.

Hope House Site Redevelopment: Developer's Newsletter no.5, August 2016
Click here

Hope House Site Redevelopment: Developer's Newsletter no.4, May 2016
Click here

Hope House Site Redevelopment: Developer's Newsletter no.3, April 2016
Click here

Hope House Site Redevelopment: Developer's Newsletter no.2, March 2016
Click here

Hope House 15/04715/FUL: update, 27 November 2015
Click here
This consultation is now closed. The Association's Comment sought extra drawings from Acorn's architect to clarify the line of the wall in Lansdown Place East versus the roof ridgeline of Block D. These were submitted and are now able to be viewed on B&NES’ website.

Hope House - revised Planning Application 15/04715/FUL, 10 November 2015
Click here to read the LCA's Comment. This consultation is now closed.

Hope House Site Redevelopment: Developer's Newsletter no.1, October 2015
Click here

Hope House Development Progress - New Developer, August 2015
The change of Hope House site ownership has finally been confirmed. The Chairman and Treasurer met the new Developer on 31st July. It is Acorn Property, whose representative is Mr Robin Squire, based in Bristol. He was introduced to LCA by Markham Hanson of Squarebay.
Design: Acorn are committed to the existing and approved ground plan, and largely to the existing design, but would like to make some "adjustments". In particular, they want to retain the "Georgian extension" to Hope House, but probably with a mansard roof, and to adjust the subdivision into apartments of other blocks, but to retain the affordable element as proposed by Squarebay. They hope to be able to achieve all this without seeking a revision of the planning permission. LCA warned against making a new application for fear of delay and getting mired in argument, repeating the Association's aims for this scheme (buildings in sympathy with Hope House, preservation of the parkland, and no new buildings higher than the wall on Lansdown Place East).
Programme: Acorn will be making some ground investigations in the next couple of weeks. They want to proceed with building the four houses at the bottom of the site as soon as possible, and with the demolition and groundworks for the upper site - perhaps even as soon as this winter, once a contractor has been chosen. LCA urged them to clear up the site straight away, as its current state is a disgrace.
Build: Access for the upper and lower sites will be only by the existing gates. LCA insisted on negotiation of a Traffic Management Plan for use of the surrounding streets, as almost any route will lead to difficulty and conflict with local residents and drivers.
Communications: Acorn propose to hold a public meeting in Hope House very soon. LCA suggested they might like also to create a website to provide a platform where news can be displayed, adding that the Association would be happy to publicise this, and other aspects, to its members.

Hope House Development Progress, March 2015
In November the Council approved the development of the upper part of the site. Square Bay Developments are still addressing Planning Conditions, and have recently won an Appeal concerning the previous whole-site application. While they intend shortly to do some tidying of the site, they do not expect to start site work in earnest until the late spring; or they might sell the site, with planning permission, to another developer.

Hope House Planning Application 14/04184/FUL - Decision, 19 November 2014
The Council's Development Control Committee has this afternoon approved this planning application, covering the Hope House upper site.

Hope House Planning Application 14/04184/FUL - Support by LCA, 23 October 2014
The Lansdown Crescent Association Committee has examined planning application 14/04184/FUL and decided at its meeting on 22nd October to support it, in the following words:
"The Lansdown Crescent Association (LCA) supports planning application 14/04184/FUL for redevelopment of the upper part of the Hope House site because it broadly fulfils the three aims of the Association:
1. To preserve the glorious parkland in the centre of the site.
2. For the buildings erected there to be largely in sympathy with Hope House (listed grade II) itself.
3. For none of those buildings to be higher than the top edge of the wall on the south side of Lansdown Place East (LPE), though it is noted that there is proposed to be a minor exception opposite 1 LPE."
Robin Kerr
Chairman, Lansdown Crescent Association

Hope House - new planning application, ref. 14/04184/FUL, October 2014
Further to the item dated 3rd September, Squarebay have submitted a new application, identical to the previous one, but omitting the four houses at the bottom of the site. The LCA Committee will be meeting on 22nd October to consider how to respond, after which further guidance will be published. Deadline for responses to the Council is 30th October.

Hope House Decision, 3 September 2014
The Council's Development Control Committee finally met on 3rd Sept to consider the Hope House Planning Application. The members generally welcomed the proposals for the upper part of the site (53 dwellings) but disliked the modern nature of the four houses proposed for the lower part (to be accessed from Park Street Mews). As legal considerations did not permit them to approve one but refuse the other, they refused the whole scheme, by a majority of 7 to 5. The way ahead is now up to the developer, Squarebay. What would seem likely to happen is a submission for approval solely of the upper proposals: and a redesign of the lower scheme, with separate planning application (or its abandonment). All of this will take time, and, of course, any applications will, again, be open to public consultation.

Update on Planning Application, August 2014
The Council's Development Control Committee has visited the Hope House site and is likely to make a decision on Squarebay's updated planning application (Ref.13/04235/FUL) on 27th August.

Update on Planning Application, 26 June 2014
Click here

Summary of Meeting with Squarebay, 5 June 2014
Click here

Summary of Current Situation, 5 April 2014
Click here

LCA comment on planning application, 1 November 2013
Click here