About the Association
Lansdown Crescent Association
The Association was formed in 1983, and at mid 2019 had 140 members. It exists to conserve and enhance the amenities of Lansdown Crescent and the surrounding streets, and to maintain and manage the grazing of the field in front of the Crescent and the area around it.
New arrivals on the Crescent green, Spring 2016
Geographical coverage
Membership is open to any resident of the following roads:
All Saints Road, BA1 5HE
Dixon Gardens, BA1 5HH
Lansdown Crescent, BA1 5EX
Lansdown Place East, BA1 5ET
Lansdown Place West, BA1 5EZ
Sion Hill (East), BA1 2UF
Somerset Lane, BA1 5SW
Somerset Place, BA1 5HD
Upper Lansdown Mews, BA1 5HG
Winifred’s Lane, BA1 5SE
Role and mission
The Association's duties are diverse: in addition to the field, it examines planning and transport proposals in the area, organizes regular litter picks, welcomes and advises film crews (who sometimes give generously in return), holds regular social events (and occasional street parties to celebrate national occasions), discusses residents' affairs with our Ward Councillors, and helps newly arrived residents.
LCA Garden Party, 10-9-2017
The affairs of the Association are managed by a Committee consisting of Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and seven other members spread across the designated streets, where possible. There are also four Trustees of the Association, who act as "elder statesmen" and hold such property as the Association owns. The Annual General Meeting is held each Spring. The Constitution can be viewed here.
Relationships and responsibilities
The Association takes interest also in the amenity of the city of Bath and so is a member of the Federation of Bath Residents' Associations (FoBRA), attending its Committee meetings, to which it is entitled to send two representatives, and providing a link on this website to those meetings' minutes. FoBRA itself is an active member of the National Organization of Residents' Associations (NORA) which chiefly examines and comments on relevant legislation proposals.
Online payments:
For the Association's bank details, please contact
Stephanie Higgins (Membership) | Email
Joining part way through the year:
Subscriptions will be charged dependent on the date of joining, as follows:
1.Full price up to and including the date of the LCA summer party.
2.Half price from then onwards, except:
3.Anyone joining in December and attending the LCA Christmas party may pay in advance for the following year instead of paying a subscription for the current year.
Subscriptions and what they pay for
The Association annual subscription is currently £6 per resident. It funds the running of the Association, such as secretarial expenses, insurance, the field (e.g. rent, fencing, removal of nettles), any losses made on social events (though the intention is that these should be self-financing) and membership fees (eg BPT and FoBRA).
Data Protection Policy
What information does the LCA hold about its members, and who stores it?
The LCA Membership Secretary holds the names, addresses, and (where provided) email addresses of its members; the Treasurer holds the names and addresses only.
The Chairman holds an up-to-date list of email addresses for use only when the Membership Secretary is not available.
Why is this information required?
The only purposes for which the LCA holds this information are:
Administration of its membership list and of its membership subscriptions;
Communication with its members concerning its meetings, events, and projects;
Notification of B&NES, police, and other matters considered by the LCA Committee to have potential impact on all members;
Maintenance of specific lists of those members requiring notification of website changes, and/or requiring email distribution of the annual LCA Newsletter.
How does the LCA ensure the security of the information?
Information may be stored only on devices meeting the following security requirements:
The device must be password-protected, with the password changed every 90 days;
There must be a mechanism in place to prevent information being read off the screen by others when the device is unattended (e.g. a timeout);
The device must be kept updated re security patches, anti-virus, and anti-malware.
Any paper copies of information must be locked away when not in use.
How long is the information kept?
The information is kept until the Accounts have been adopted for the individual's final year of membership.
If the individual specifically requests removal of their information, this will be implemented within 14 days. In such a case, or if an individual does not consent to their information being stored in the first place, then unfortunately they will not be able to continue as a member.
How does a member find out what the LCA is storing about them, and how is the information kept accurate?
Members can ask the LCA Data Protection Officer for a statement of information held. They should advise the Membership Secretary of any changes. In either case the request will be implemented within 14 days.
What does each member need to do?
New members, and all existing members following adoption, will be sent a copy of the Policy and asked to confirm their acceptance of it in writing within 28 days.
Information from Other Organisations
Federation of Bath Residents' Associations (FoBRA), www.bathresidents.org.uk. Its archive may be found here.
FoBRA AGM and committee meeting minutes can be found here.
Rachael Hushon (Chair)
Bath Preservation Trust, www.bath-preservation-trust.org.uk
The Association is a corporate member of the Bath Preservation Trust (BPT) and, in return, holds two tickets for its No.1 Royal Crescent Museum, which members can apply to use: contact
Stephanie Higgins (Membership) | Email
Bath and North East Somerset Council (B&NES), www.bathnes.gov.uk
Police and Crime Plan
To find out more, please contact
Rachael Hushon (Chair) | Email
To join, please download our membership form and contact the Membership Secretary