Traffic and Parking
Contact: Rachael Hushon (Traffic) | Email
Consultation – LCA Response - November 2019
The council are undergoing the final stage of consultation for the clean air zone for Bath. This proposal has implications for Lansdown Crescent.
The council are proposing to introduce a class C CAZ with a traffic light intervention at Queen Square - traffic lights which sense NO2 levels at Gay street and subsequently control flows in and out of Queen Square. The unfortunate consequence of this option is that there is predicted to be displacement of traffic along Marlborough buildings and Cavendish road. Page 13 of the consultation leaflet (see link) details the displacement they expect:
LCA are concerned that this will further increase rat-running along our Crescent, as much of Cavendish Road’s traffic impacts on Lansdown Crescent. We have worked with Cavendish Road, Cavendish Crescent and Saint James’s Square Associations and asked the Council to put in place measures to mitigate this displacement and hinder rat running in our area and along our Crescent.
LCA supports the CAZ. If the Class C CAZ doesn’t meet targets for environmental compliance then we shall support the Council in a switch to a Class D CAZ. We urge you to voice your concerns about the Queen Square intervention and the impact on Lansdown Crescent, by participating in the questionnaire
Lastly, we shall be organising a meeting in the coming weeks to discuss how we can cut rat running on our Crescent (See below).
Clean Air Zone Consultation LCA Response - Meeting at St Stephen’s Church Foyer
- 7pm to 8pm, Friday 8th November 2019
The Council’s consultation for the Clean Air Charging zone for Bath has now finished. We await the results to be published soon.
Our Chairman, Robin Kerr, with Nick Bishop and Rachael Hushon participated in several meetings with the Councillors in charge of the introduction of the scheme as well as our Ward Councillors to ensure that the implications for Lansdown Crescent area were properly considered and any negative impacts were mitigated.
Most importantly for our area are the possible displacement effects which the traffic interventions at Queen Square are predicted to create via Cavendish Road (this is on top of the current rat running we already experience).
The Council are keen to help us protect Lansdown Crescent’s residential and tranquil nature (particularly given its special mention in Bath’s World Heritage Status) and are open to our becoming a Low Traffic Neighbourhood (LTN) akin to the Royal Crescent. This would mean we would protect our Crescent and it would no longer be used as a rat run for speeding cars or a cut through for Coaches en route to the Royal Crescent; but LTNs have only one vehicle entrance.
In conjunction with our discussions, residents from St James Square, Cavendish Crescent, Sion Hill and Cavendish Road are also seeking ways to reduce the speedy and unsafe rat running on Cavendish Road whilst hoping to get low emission hopper buses introduced to serve Bath Spa Campus and local residents up to Sion Hill. We want to support them in this initiative.
We invite you to attend a meeting to discuss the issues. If however you can’t make the date detailed above please don’t hesitate to email or phone. For the purposes of collating feedback contact Rachael at (Rachael Hushon | Email) or on 07917 323442.
The proposed Clean Air Charging Zone for Bath (CAZ) (28 November 2018)
The LCA Committee invited members of the Association to a meeting on 20 November to discuss views on this and reach a considered opinion, in addition emails were sent by those unable to attend.
The key points are listed:
1. LCA welcomes the proposal to improve air quality in Bath and is especially pleased that the zone has been extended as far as St Stephens Church.
2. We challenge the suggestion in the FoBRA submission, that Class C will not be significantly less polluting than Class D. It is the view of the LCA that we need to make maximum use of this proposal at its first implementation. The process will be disruptive and it would be very unpopular to amend it some months later if Class C is shown to be ineffective. In any case, charging taxis under Class C (many of which are elderly diesels) but not other cars makes no sense. We are therefore strongly in favour of the council’s proposal for Class D.
3. On the matter of taxis, the LCA sees no reason to allow taxis an additional 2 years to acquire compliant vehicles. They already have two years to consider changing their cars. It would be paradoxical for people to be encouraged to use public transport as an alternative to their non-compliant cars only to find themselves in a non-compliant taxi.
4. LCA would encourage the Council to look into schemes to support the sale of non-compliant cars in exchange for compliant ones. However these schemes must target those who are genuinely needy and who couldn’t otherwise afford to change their vehicle. It’s worth noting that in many cases a non-compliant diesel vehicle can be exchanged for a slightly older but compliant petrol vehicle for no additional cost.
5. The FoBRA submission is contradictory. It states that“…Class D CAZ by itself will not do the job…” but later “urges the council to consider Class C with traffic management”. The best option must be Class D with some traffic management. However we would suggest that these issues be treated separately to avoid confusion of evidence. Once the CAZ has been put in place, subsequent measurements of air quality can be used to inform subsequent traffic management changes.
6. For the same reason LCA does not agree with the FoBRA submission’s inclusion of traffic management suggestions. This consultation is about the Clean Air Zone. LCA would strongly object to any displacement of traffic from The Paragon and George Street as this would inevitably drive east/west traffic into the Lansdown Crescent area.
7. LCA agrees with the FoBRA proposal to extend the CAZ into the Gt Pultney St, Sydney Place and Sydney Gardens for the reasons stated in their response.
8. The current proposal creates a “cul de sac” in the LC area, which must be avoided. LCA feels most strongly that the camera sensor at the top of Cavendish Road should be moved around the corner (west) into Sion Hill. This would prevent traffic coming down Sion Hill from crossing into Lansdown Place West and Lansdown Crescent seeking a way through to Lansdown Road without paying. Such traffic under the current proposals will attempt dangerous U-turns at the East end of Lansdown Place East or a dangerous and illegal exit onto Lansdown Road from Upper Lansdown Mews by going the wrong way down the one-way section (where there will not be a camera). This move will effectively place Lansdown Crescent and its adjacent roads within the CAZ as it will not be possible to enter the area without paying the charge, though it will be possible to leave it via Winifred’s Lane or by turning into Cavendish Road. Avoiding this would require an additional camera in Sion Hill (east) covering access/egress from LPW, retaining the camera at the top of Cavendish Road.
Resurfacing upper stretch of Lansdown Road from 29 July 2019
The council will be resurfacing an upper stretch of Lansdown Road overnight from 29 July 2019 for up to two weeks. This may affect the travel of some of your residents.
A statement from the council says:
"As part of the approved 2019/20 Highway Maintenance Capital Programme <> we will be undertaking resurfacing works to Lansdown Road, Lansdown, Bath, from the Junction of Granville Road to a point just past College Road, commencing on Monday 29th July 2019. The works are proposed to be undertaken under full road closures during the NIGHT between 19.00 and 07.00 hours and are expected to take up to 2 weeks.
During the works there will be a full road closure with NO VEHICULAR ACCESS (except for restricted access to residents when safe to do so) and a local signed diversion route will be in place. Unfortunately the nature of the work and machinery required means it is not possible for us to complete the works in a way where we can maintain vehicular access, however the road will be re-opened each morning on completion of the nights scheduled works. The works could be disrupted if we experience inclement weather and we will do our best to let everyone know if the timings need to change as a result."
The consultation letter we've received says that emergency vehicles will always have access.
Lost lorry (18 June 2018)
12th June 18 – Lorry clutch problem at LPE junction, but no damage!
Bus stop 31 Park and Ride (24 May 2018)
Amended 6th June 2018
It has been pointed out since the posting below, that not everyone is in favour of maintaining the current position of this bus stop. Some residents living near the current stop are inconvenienced by noise and fumes. The Committee cannot therefore represent the views of all its members in this matter. Members who wish to make their views known before any decision is made are encouraged to contact our ward councillors as below, clearly indicating their preference and the reasons for this. Whatever the decision, it seems unlikely that all will be satisfied.
Bus stop 31 Park and Ride (24 May 2018)
With the completion of the Hope House development will come the possibility of a relocation of the 31 Bus Stop, currently at the end of Upper Lansdown Mews. Members will remember that this was moved to here from its position outside Hope House. That position facilitated access to the school but originally the stop was at its current location. For several reasons this is seen as a more favourable location and we are keen to ensure it stays there. For example, the stop is in a less dangerous position than on the bend in the road, access to the Mews and Crescent is easier, not involving an ascent and it seems likely this position will be favoured by new occupants of Hope House. If you agree please make your views known to our ward councillors Patrick Anketell-Jones,, or Anthony Clarke at
Parking permits (27 April 2018)
Residents may already understand the sometimes complex rules of parking in our area. Those who moved here more recently may welcome some help.
Residents are entitled to purchase permits from B&NES, details of which can be found here:
Visitor permits are also explained from this site by scrolling down. You can either buy paper (one day) permits or join the electronic version by clicking on the link in the text there, which allows payment by the hour:
You will need to visit the One Stop Shop in Manvers Street to purchase paper permits.
Of course in addition to these options there are some zones that allow 2 hour or 4 hour parking (see signs) but these are usually busy.
Traffic News 2017-18 (22 April 2018)
Hope House hoardings
Following pressure from the LCA Committee, the Hope House hoardings were eventually set back from the road enough to restore satisfactory visibility for traffic exiting Lansdown Place East. Fortunately this was before any serious accidents occurred, though one resident was knocked from his moped and there were several near misses.
Hope House development: inappropriate access and parking
On occasions, large lorries and other vehicles intended for Hope House have been seen accessing and parking in the Crescent. Photographs and emails sent to the builders, Rhatigans, have been partly successful in reducing this but we need to be diligent to ensure compliance with planning conditions.
No Loading/Unloading signs
Following pressure from the Association and a meeting with the Lansdown Grove Hotel manager, we are pleased that a Traffic Regulatory Order has been placed that restricts loading and unloading outside the hotel. Although no signs have yet appeared, since 22 January loading and unloading are not permitted during peak hours in the morning and afternoon. This has already eased the chaos for those driving in and out of Lansdown Place East.
Speed enforcement
Last autumn, enforcement cameras were used briefly in Cavendish Road. This provided an opportunity to raise the issue of repeater frequency in our area. We are pleased to report that in early March, additional 20mph repeaters were placed in Lansdown Place West and the Crescent, so now there are no excuses and police enforcement may follow.
Cobbles in the Crescent
A small subgroup of the Committee discussed this idea with Rhys Brookes, architect of our 2016 Finials Project. As predicted, the matter is extremely complex and potentially very expensive. Whilst perhaps desirable from an aesthetic viewpoint, we felt that the fundamental purpose of reducing speed in Lansdown Place West and the Crescent would not be met and that therefore the cost and upheaval was disproportionate to the gain.
Enhancements to Julian Road/Cavendish Road Junction
Despite the presence of a 20mph speed limit, traffic travelling from Weston Road across into Julian Road averages 32mph. This poses a particular danger to cars emerging from Marlborough Buildings.
To slow traffic, and thus to improve safety, B&NES proposes to reduce the road width and to introduce low (1.5cm) cobbled ramps.
In addition, the Weston Road parking spaces between the bottom of Cavendish Road and the golf course entrance will be moved to the other side of the road; the 20A (westbound) bus stop will be moved nearer to the Victoria Park entrance; and an eastbound electronic speed warning will be introduced.
Once the main work begins, Marlborough Buildings down to the Royal Victoria Park entrance will become one-way, north to south, for around 12 weeks. Subsequent work will be carried out at night.
The sign placed at the corner of Lansdown Road and Lansdown Place East has been successful in reducing access by coaches and HGVs. However a similar sign for coaches is needed at the bottom of Cavendish Road, where the restriction currently only applies to HGVs. The Committee have requested this from B&NES.
Optimal use of parking spaces
Given the considerable pressure on parking spaces in our area, residents of Lansdown Crescent, Somerset Place, and Lansdown Places East and West are strongly encouraged to use the permit spaces on the open side of the road in preference to parking in front of others’ properties.
Nick Bishop, Traffic
Coach in Lansdown Crescent, April 2018
Helping to enforce the ban on coaches in Lansdown Crescent and the Places, 14 October 2017
The "No access" sign at the entrance to Lansdown Place East off Lansdown Road has been very effective (so far) in thwarting the coach companies who want to take a scenic route along the Crescent on their way to the Royal Crescent (many not even stopping in Bath, but continuing on with their tours to Stonehenge).
Any Coach companies who have ignored the sign have been responsive when 'phoned and informed of the no through access for coaches. Many have committed not to travel this route (especially when sent photos of their coaches grounded at the very tight junction with Cavendish Road).
However all of the Committee's efforts may be tested again soon as the Council are considering making the Royal Avenue (the road in front of the Royal Crescent) one of several coach drop off points for coach parties (now that the Council has redeveloped the Council owned Avon Street Coach Park).
We want to make sure that the drivers and companies observe the signage and don't take this potentially damaging route to the Royal Avenue drop off point, given the historic buildings and narrow streets that could be placed at risk.
Please let us know if you see any increased coach journeys and if possible get a photo with the registration. Please forward via email or text to:
Rachael Hushon | Email
Rachael has been making contact with these companies to politely request that their drivers don't take this route.
Enforcement of 20mph limit in Cavendish Road, 8 October 2017
For some time our members have been complaining about the excessive speed of some vehicles in the Places and Crescent, supported in part by evidence from measurements. We have also encouraged policing of this in the hope of deterring speeding motorists. It has come to the Committee's attention that police or traffic officers have been operating in Cavendish Road recently; at least two members have been issued with Fixed Penalty Notices for exceeding 20mph and not by very much! You have been warned!
Nick Bishop (Traffic) | Email
Note also that mobile speed camera enforcement schedules can always be found here.
B&NES Parking Proposals, including prevention of loading outside the Lansdown Grove Hotel, 30 September 2017
Please click here for details of the proposals. Local residents are encouraged to support the ban on loading outside the Lansdown Grove; the closing date for responses is 19 October.
Update 15 December
The LCA is pleased to say that we have now heard from B&NES that, from 22 January 2018, loading will not be permitted outside the Lansdown Grove between 07:00 and 10:00 and between 16:00 and 19:00.
More information will be found here, here, and here.
Nick Bishop (Traffic) | Email