St. Stephen's Millennium Green: Talk with Wine
Join Sheila Gundry, of the wildlife charity “Froglife”, to hear about Charlcombe’s flourishing amphibian population. Tickets cost £12.50, including a glass of wine, and are available in advance only through www.milleniumgreen.org.uk/events.

Abseil St Stephen's
Abseil from the top of the tower at St Stephen’s Church Lansdown. It’s a stunning view at the top, a great challenge both on the way up and then down and a wonderful sense of achievement at the bottom!
The total raised from the abseil will be shared between Genesis Trust and St Stephen’s Church.
Register at:

Jazz in the Nave at St Stephen's
Jazz in the Nave at St Stephen's
Friday, April 19
Boogie on down to St Stephen's for an evening of jazz with SYNCOPATION STATION.

The annual Lansdown Open Gardens will be held on June 19th, 2022 from 2pm to 5:30pm. There will be seven gardens around Lansdown to view, a plant & produce sale on the Millennium Green and the usual homemade cakes and teas.
Tickets are £5 each (children free) and all proceeds go towards the upkeep of the St. Stephen’s Millennium Green.
Tickets may be purchased on the day at the Millennium Green or at the gardens. Tickets can also be purchased in advance at www.millenniumgreen.org.uk/opengardens where you can find more information.

Jubilee Street Party
Lansdown Crescent Association Jubilee tea party
From 4.00 on Sunday 5th June – all welcome
Please bring a cake or plate to share and drink of your choice
Enjoy the music of the Pipley Band
The LCA will also be providing some fizz, tea and cakes.
We have arranged for a street closure from midday on Sunday until later that evening, from 1 Lansdown Crescent to 9 Lansdown Place West
If you would can help with marshalling the street closure, setting up, or handing out drinks please let us know via events@lansdown-crescent.org.uk
It is a free event but if you would like to contribute to running costs any donations would be welcome via the LCA account. If there is a surplus of donations we will donate it to our local foodbank.
Remember to wear your red, white and blue!
Liveable Neighbourhoods Webinar
Dear members please see a web seminar to be held by the council on liveable neighbourhoods . A committee member will be attending on behalf of the LCA . Joining instructions are contained in the press release.
Invitation to Liveable Neighbourhoods Webinar
Monday 27th July, 5pm.
Register here or watch on the Council’s You Tube Channel.
Join Cllr Dine Romero and Cabinet Member for Transport, Cllr Joanna Wright and Cabinet Member for Climate Emergency, Cllr Sarah Warren for a discussion about the Liveable Neighbourhoods proposals.
Liveable Neighbourhoods is an ambitious package of roadmaps to tackle the Climate Emergency and improve people’s health by reducing vehicle use, promoting active travel and creating liveable communities are to be considered by Bath & North East Somerset Council.
The council has developed three complimentary strategies for low traffic neighbourhoods, residents’ parking schemes and electric vehicle charging. The proposed strategies will go before the council’s Climate Emergency & Sustainability Policy Development & Scrutiny Panel on Monday 20 July. If supported residents will be able to have their say during a public consultation later this summer.
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar
Please submit your questions in advance.
The discussion will also be live streamed on the Council's You Tube channel, where previous discussions in the series can be found..
More details on the Liveable Neighbourhoods proposals.
Kind regards
Micaela Basford
Corporate Sustainability Officer
Partnerships and Corporate Services
Bath & North East Somerset Council
Direct telephone: 01225 396402
Email: Micaela_basford@bathnes.gov.uk
Bath & North East Somerset – The place to live, work and visit.
Lansdown Crescent Association AGM - SAVE THE DATE Monday 13th July
The Covid 19 crisis and the Government’s advice meant that we had to defer the LCA Annual General Meeting “to the Autumn”. It is now clear that physical meetings are very unlikely to be possible, even by the Autumn, so we now plan to hold the AGM on Monday 13th July, at a time to be confirmed, but probably 7:30pm - please save the date.
Because of continuing restrictions on large gatherings, this AGM will be conducted using Zoom (a web-based video-conferencing facility). Full instructions for attending the AGM by Zoom will be provided.
Please note that it will also be possible to listen to the AGM by telephone if you do not have web access. Again, instructions for listening by telephone will be provided, but you will need to transfer your vote to a nominated proxy, who will vote at the Zoom meeting on your behalf.
We will update you with the time and an official invitation, once these are available.
Millennium Green 20th Anniversary
‘June 25th this year will mark the 20th anniversary of the Millennium Green Grand Opening. We had intended to mark this anniversary with a celebration during our events this year. As the Covid-19 pandemic has put paid to these plans we have produced a 'Virtual Celebration' instead. This takes the form of a short video that tells the story of the Green from the original concept and the building of the Green through to the wonderful community garden of today.
Watch the video here. It is best viewed full screen if possible. We hope that you enjoy the video.
Remember that the Virtual Lansdown Open Gardens are still open. If you have not visited yet start your tour here.
For more information visit www.millenniumgreen.org.uk’
The Virtual Lansdown Open Gardens
The Lansdown Open Gardens were to have been held on Sunday June 14th but due the Covid-19 pandemic we had to cancel the event which would have been our major community event for the year.
Instead we are holding The Virtual Lansdown Open Gardens online. This allows you to take virtual tours with videos and photos around the gardens that would have been open on June 14th. At the end of your virtual tour you can make a virtual visit the Millennium Green and even have some virtual tea and cake.
The gardens are now open, but you can also go towww.millenniumgreen.org.uk or follow us on Instagram @mgigram for the latest information.
We look forward to seeing you on your tour of the gardens!
Field Open Day - DEFERRED
Please note that the LCA Committee feel it would be unwise to continue with this event in the present Coronavirus situation, and we are deferring the event. We will keep you informed.
BANES Climate Emergency Next Steps - DEFERRED
Please note that due to the current government coronavirus restrictions this meeting has now been deferred until the autumn, and will probably be held online. We shall keep you informed.
As the first ever Cabinet member for Bath & North East Somerset Council whose role is dedicated to tackling the climate emergency, I’m delighted to invite you to the council’s special climate emergency event on April 9th at the Guildhall in Bath, as we consider our next steps. The event is designed to help us meet the ambition of carbon neutrality for our area by 2030.
We know people want to hear about what the council is doing, so we’ll be providing an update on the progress we’ve made, including setting out the priority areas for action, since we declared a climate emergency last year. We know that people have ideas about what should happen and that they want to learn more about what they and their communities can do locally. By working together we can address this crucial issue for our locality and our planet.
This will be an inclusive, informative event, open to all, where everyone will be encouraged to take part.
Please join us at this event – for more information and to register please see this link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-climate-emergency-in-bath-north-east-somerset-our-next-steps-tickets-97981377939?ref=estw
With best wishes
Cllr Sarah Warren
The Covid 19 crisis and the Government’s advice means that we have to defer the LCA Annual General Meeting, announced for Thursday 26thMarch. Plans will be made to hold it in the future, but probably not until the autumn. Meanwhile the existing Committee and Office-holders will continue to run our Association.
Please note that the Lansdown Crescent Association’s AGM will take place at 7pm on Thursday 26th March 2020 at St Stephen’s Church Centre.
Dear LCA Members,
The LCA AGM 2020 will be held at 7:00pm on Thursday 26th March 2020 at St Stephen's Church Centre on Lansdown Road, BA1 5PN
Accordingly, I attach the following documents, which I invite you to read before the AGM:
- LCA AGM 2020 Agenda (and Calling)
- LCA AGM 2019 Minutes
- Robin Kerr’s reflections on his seven year chairmanship
- Treasurer's statement of accounts for year ending 31.12.2019
Thank you, and we look forward to seeing you there.
Simon Brand.
LCA Secretary.
The Covid 19 crisis and the Government’s advice means that we have cancelled this event
The Community Clear-up on 15th March was cancelled because of a poor weather forecast, but a few members attended anyway, continuing clearance work on the path down to Park Street. They managed to cut, sweep and bag-up 51 sacks, as the photo shows, but there’s still plenty to do, so we’re going to meet again next Sunday, 22nd March, opposite 7 Lansdown Place West. All welcome (and bring hand sanitiser, as well as sturdy footwear and strong gloves!).
LCA Work Party
Following our mighty effort on 17th November 2019, when we collected 96 sacks of earth and rubbish from our roads and pavements, we need to continue the good work, so we’re organizing a LCA work party at 1400 on Sunday 15th March. More details to follow, but if anyone knows of additional bits that need attention, please tell Simon Brand (Secretary) Email. Shovels and sacks will be provided by the Council. Meet opposite 4 LPW. Bring your favourite tools (e.g. loppers) and tough gloves.
Screening of first episode of ITV television show filmed in Bath last year
RTS West of England and ITV Drama’s new detective drama McDonald & Dodds is filmed on location in the West Country, as well as at The Bottle Yard Studios.
Starring BAFTA winner Jason Watkins (The Crown, The Lost Honour Of Christopher Jefferies) and newcomer Tala Gouveia (Cold Feet), brand new detective drama, McDonald & Dodds, is a series of feature length crime mysteries comprising of two intriguing stories in its first outing. The series has been created and written by Robert Murphy (lead writer on DCI Banks) and is produced by Mammoth Screen, part of ITV Studios.
Preview screening of Television show filmed in Bath last year
Royal Television Society have just confirmed a screening of new ITV detective drama McDonalds & Dodds (the new name of Invisible) at The Little Theatre, Bath on 27th Feb, 6-8.15pm (series airs early March).
It's free to attend - please book yourself a ticket (and a guest if you’d like) with the link below. Scroll to bottom for book Now button.
RTS West of England and ITV Drama present an exclusive screening of new detective drama McDonald & Dodds, filmed on location in the West Country, as well as at The Bottle Yard Studios.
Starring BAFTA winner Jason Watkins (The Crown, The Lost Honour Of Christopher Jefferies) and newcomer Tala Gouveia (Cold Feet), brand new detective drama, McDonald & Dodds, is a series of feature length crime mysteries comprising of two intriguing stories in its first outing. The series has been created and written by Robert Murphy (lead writer on DCI Banks) and is produced by Mammoth Screen, part of ITV Studios.
The screening of the first 90 minute episode will be followed by a brief Q&A with Robert Murphy (Creator, Writer, Exec Producer), Damien Timmer (Exec Producer), Jason Watkins (DS Dodds) and Amy Thurgood (Producer).
Tickets are free and are available to book now
27th February, The Little Theatre, Bath, 6-8.15pm
Over 18s only
FoBRA Reception at Victoria Art Gallery
As in previous years, FoBRA’s Winter Reception will be held at the Victoria Art Gallery, Bridge Street, Bath. A broad range of Bath’s leaderswill be invited as our guests, including Councillors in all the wards covered by FoBRA members.
Please see the flyer here for further details
Tea & Talk with Amy Frost
Amy Frost is coming back by popular demand will give a talk about James Wilson the architect of St Stephen's Church, Kingswood and The Royal High Schools. He lived in Sion Road.
The event with take place on Feb 9th 2020 starting at 14:15pm in the St. Stephen's Centre. Doors will open at 14:00pm.
Tickets are £12.50 available from Brenda Bridgeman on 01225 316557 or Jackie Harris on 01225 335153.
Low Traffic Neighbourhoods
At 1930 on Wed 29th January there is a presentation about LTNs at the Guildhall. You can get your free tickets here. Cllr Clyde Loakes from Waltham Forest will be speaking about his experience of playing around for 14 years, trying to quell traffic through residential areas, and finally cracking it with an LTN scheme. As it is this Council’s policy to introduce LTNs in Bath, I recommend you come along.
LCA Christmas Party
The Christmas Party for LCA Members will be hosted by the Daltons at 10 Lansdown Crescent. For full details and to apply for tickets, please click here.
FoBRA meeting
The Council Leader, Dine Romero, will be addressing the next FoBRA meeting on Tuesday 21st January in the Hall of Widcombe Junior School from 1830 to 1915, and answering questions. All FoBRA meetings are open to the public, so LCA members would be welcome to attend as observers (though asking questions will be confined to Representatives).
LCA Carol Singing 2019
In aid of Genesis Trust, a Bath charity for the homeless.
All our welcome to come and sing together. Judith Liddell will be leading us as in previous years.
We plan to meet at 10 Lansdown Crescent at 6pm for a quick rehearsal with refreshments, then set off to sing around Lansdown Place West, Somerset Place, All Saints Road, Lansdown Crescent, the Mews, Dixon Gardens and Lansdown Place East from about 6.30 - 8.30 pm.
This is always a happy occasion and people are welcome to come and sing.
Please bring a torch. Please bring your own copy of the LCA Carol Book if possible: this can be downloaded for printing here (same edition as last year). Some copies will be available on the night.
Those who prefer to stay at home and answer their doorbells are contributing just as much, and we hope raise much needed funds for this great local charity
Funeral of Ann Ritchie
Dear Members,
Some of you may have known Ann Ritchie who lived at 6 Lansdown Place East, and was the second-longest resident in that street. She recently died, after a short illness, and has been privately cremated. A requiem mass will be said for her at St Mary’s Catholic Church, Julian Road, at 2pm on Thursday 12th Dec. All are welcome, but it is regretted that no parking will be available, because the premises to the rear will be acting as a polling station that day. The Chairman will represent the Association.
LCA Work Party – Pavements
Following our mighty effort on 28th July, when we collected 42 sacks of earth and rubbish from our roads and pavements, we need to continue the good work, so we’re organizing a LCA work party at 1400 on Sunday 17th Nov. Particular focus will be pavement encroachment by ivy and lopping of overhead branches on the south side of Lansdown Place West (LPW), but also the path to Park Street and the dingle on the south side of Lansdown Place East. However, if anyone knows of additional bits that need attention, please tell Simon Brand (Secretary) Email. Shovels and sacks will be provided by the Council. Meet opposite 4 LPW. Bring your favourite tools (eg loppers) and tough gloves.
Update: An Association Work Party continued the good work on Sunday 17th Nov, focusing on Autumn leaves, pavement and path encroachment by ivy and lopping of overhead branches in Lansdown Place West, All Saints Road and the path down to Park Street. 13 members took part: Adam & Anna Barnes, Nick Bishop, Alan Cox, James Freeman, Simon Heale, Rachael Hushon, Craig Jones, Robin & Sarah Kerr, Ian Lyons & Teddy Lam and Pete Maguire. Tools were provided by the Council, and this time no fewer that 96 bags were collected!