Association Events Archive
Social Evening at the Richmond Arms - 7:30pm, Thursday 13th November 2019
Following on the success of the inaugural evening in the summer, we are holding an informal pub social evening on Thursday 13th November at 7.30 at the newly reopened Richmond Arms.
Please drop in for a drink and a chat.
David Briggs Film Improvisation "Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde" - Sun 8th September 2019
Dear friends of Christ Church,
To celebrate the completion of the rebuild of our organ, I am planning a series of organ recitals in the Autumn. For the first of these, on Sunday 8th Sept, we are very fortunate to have secured internationally famous recital organist David Briggs. Having started his career as organ scholar at King's College Cambridge, he held posts at Truro and Gloucester Cathedral's in the UK, before moving to North America, where his main post is now as "Artist in Residence" at St John the Divine in New York.
Rather than a "straight" organ recital, we are hosting what we hope will be a very exciting and inspiring musical event with a wide appeal. After playing a couple of solo opening pieces, David will then improvise a soundtrack to the 1920 classic silent movie "Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde" with the film displayed on a big screen at the front of the church. As well as being a technically brilliant player David is an expert improviser, and I'm sure this will be a thrilling musical and cinematic treat.
Tickets are available from Bath Box Office:
Or directly from church if that's more convenient.
Please come, and bring lots of friends! Attached is poster advertising the event. Printed copies are available from church - if you can think of somewhere good to put up a poster, please pick one up! I would really like to see the church full of people for this.
Best wishes,
LCA Work Party - Pavements - 2pm, Sunday 28th July 2019
Following the Council’s mighty effort in April, when they removed 42 sacks of earth and rubbish from our roads and pavements, we need to maintain the area, so we’re organizing a LCA work party at 2pm on Sunday 28th July. Particular focus will be pavement encroachment by ivy and lopping of overhead branches on the south side of Lansdown Place East (LPE), but if anyone knows of additional bits that need attention, please tell Simon Brand (Secretary) Email. Shovels and sacks will be provided by the Council. Meet opposite 12 LPE. Bring your favourite tools (eg loppers) and tough gloves.
The Association held a successful Community Street Clearance Campaign in Lansdown Place East on Sunday 28thJuly, with 42 bags of rubbish collected. The Council loaned us 6 shovels, 4 brushes, a hoe and a barrow, as well as giving us lots of bags. Nine members of the Association took part: Craig Jones, James & Mary Birch, Sue & Antony Branfoot, James Freeman, Sarah & Robin Kerr, and Adam Barnes. They worked for 2½ hours, the aims being, principally: (a) to clear the pavement from the litter bin to the start of the Crescent of ivy and bramble intrusion, and of low hanging branches, both of which were impeding pedestrians; and (b) to clear the upper part of the path (from the litter bin towards Chapel House) of ivy and nettle intrusion, which had narrowed it from its usual 3m width to about half a metre in places. In addition, some weed and gravel clearance of gutters in Lansdown Place East and Lansdown Crescent took place, and an initial start was made on clearance of the path from Chapel House to Park Street from ivy intrusion, overhanging branches, nettles and brambles, but there is plenty of work left for another Community Street Clearance Campaign in a few months’ time!
Robin Kerr, 29thJuly.
A word of thanks from our Councillor:
Many thanks for your efforts on this.
Please do, though, pass on mine and Lucy’s thanks to all the volunteers from the Association who helped with this. I know Dave Wood (Cabinet Member for Climate Emergency and Neighbourhood Services) is really keen to encourage to
encourage this kind of activity, and it’s great to see a residents
association undertaking work like this on its own initiative. If you’re planning anything similar in the future, please do let us know.
Best wishes,
Mark Elliott
Liberal Democrat Councillor for Lansdown
Lansdown Crescent Summer Party 2019
Please see our Gallery for photographs of this event
LCA Summer Party Invitation to members (6 July 2018)
The Lansdown Crescent Association Summer Party will be held at lunchtime on Sunday 2nd September 2018 in a beautiful Lansdown Crescent garden. Click here for full details.
SAVE THE DATE! (14 June 2018)
The Lansdown Crescent Association Summer Party will be held at lunchtime on Sunday 2nd September 2018 in a beautiful Lansdown Crescent garden. Details will follow shortly.
Catching up with neighbours, Summer Party 2.9.18
Christmas 2017: LCA Party 15 December and Carol Singing 20 December (15 December 2017)
The Lansdown Crescent Association Committee invites members to apply for tickets for our Christmas Party, with drinks and a buffet supper, on Friday, December 15th from 7 to 10 pm.
We are most grateful to two LCA members for hosting this event.
We are restricted on numbers so tickets, priced £12 each, will be issued to members only, on a first come, first served basis.
Update 8 December: The 2017 LCA Christmas Party is now SOLD OUT.
For more information, contact:
Marian McNeir (Events Secretary) | Email
Update 11 December 2017: Carol Singing Details
Do come carol singing with us on Wednesday December 20th in aid of Julian House. Judith Liddell will be leading us as in previous years.
We plan to meet at 6pm for a quick rehearsal with refreshments. We'll then set off to sing around Lansdown Place West, Somerset Place, Lansdown Crescent, the Mews, Dixon Gardens and Lansdown Place East from about 6.30-8pm, finishing with further refreshments.
This is always a very happy occasion and it would be lovely if you could join us. Please bring a torch or a lantern. Please also, if possible, download and print your own copy of the improved 2017 edition of the LCA Carol Book.
For details of the starting location, for any other information, or if you are unable to print the Carol Book, please contact:
Mandy Shaw | Email
Those who prefer to stay home and answer their doorbells are of course contributing just as much - last year we raised £285 for the same charity.
Late Summer Garden Party, Sunday 10 September 2017, 12 noon-2.30pm
The Social Committee of the Association would like to invite members to a Late Summer Garden Party on Sunday 10 September, 12 noon to 2.30pm, to take place in a lovely local garden by kind permission of one of our members. Drinks and canapés will be served.
Invitations have now been distributed. Tickets (£12 each) will be allocated on a first come first served basis to those who have returned their slip and cheque, since numbers are limited.
For more information, or if you have not received your invitation, contact:
Marian McNeir (Events Secretary) | Email
Beckford’s Wall, 14.7.17
Talk on Beckford's Walk by Dr Amy Frost, followed by Tea, Saturday 1 April 2017, 2.30-5pm, St Stephen's Centre
We are delighted to welcome well-known local architectural historian Dr Amy Frost, Curator of Beckford's Tower and an expert on the life and aesthetics of William Beckford. Beckford lived in the Crescent for twenty years and built the bridge to Lansdown Place West. Amy will discuss the walk he created from his home, through a gateway in the Mews (near the wall that is currently the subject of an appeal to the High Court), and up to his Tower. The talk will be followed by tea.
£2 per person (free if you arrange to bring cake), children free. For more information or to book your place please contact:
Sue Branfoot | Email
2016 LCA Carol Singing, Monday 19 December (19 December 2016)
We will meet at 6pm for a carol rehearsal before going out to sing in Lansdown Crescent and the close environs. We collect for the homeless at Julian House.
All members who sing are welcome. Please remember to bring a torch. The LCA Carol Book can be downloaded here; plenty of paper copies will be available on the night.
For details including rehearsal venue, contact
Marian McNeir (Events Secretary) | Email
2016 LCA Christmas Party, Saturday 17 December (17 December 2016)
The Lansdown Crescent Association Committee invites members to apply for tickets for our Christmas Party, with drinks and a buffet supper, on Saturday 17 December from 7-10pm.
We are restricted on numbers so tickets, priced £12 each, will be issued to adult members only, on a first come, first served basis.
Update 27 November: please note that this event is now SOLD OUT.
Celebration of the Completion of the Finials Project, Sunday 16 October2016 (16 October 2016)
The Lansdown Crescent Association Committee invites all residents whose finials have been replaced, and all its members, to join the celebrations on the completion of the Finials Project.
Fizz and light refreshments will be served from 11.30am to 1.00pm on Sunday 16th October.
We are delighted that the Mayor of Bath, Cllr Paul Crossley, will be with us on this unique occasion.
To help with catering, please email your acceptance by 10th October to
Marian McNeir (Events Secretary) | Email
For more details, or if you have not received your invitation, please contact Marian as above.
Lansdown Crescent Association Midsummer Party, Saturday 18 June 2016
The Lansdown Crescent Association has pleasure in inviting members (only) to a Midsummer Garden Party from 6.30 to 8.30pm on Saturday 18th June. Drinks and canapés will be served. Indoors if wet. Tickets £10 each from
Marian McNeir (Events Secretary) | Email
Update 5 June: Unfortunately this event is now SOLD OUT.
Lansdown Crescent Association Christmas Party 2015 (19 December 2015)
This event took place on Saturday 19th December, 7 to 10pm. Members enjoyed a buffet supper in lovely surroundings.
Marian McNeir (Events Secretary) | Email
Invitation to Private View/Tea at The Edge, Bath University, 9 September 2015
As LCA Events Organiser, Marian has been offered places for LCA members to attend a Tea Party to celebrate the famous artist Alan Cotton's exhibition at The Edge, which is the new Arts Building at Bath University.
As you can see from this invitation from John Struthers, the Director of The Edge, the Tea Party is on the 9th September from 3.30 to 6pm and is free to LCA members. Apologies for rather short notice but we had to wait for Alan Cotton to confirm the date.
Could you please reply direct to Marian by 1 September if you'd like to attend:
Marian McNeir | Email
Numbers are limited to 30 so it will be first come first served. No tickets will be issued but there will be a guest list.
The Edge is situated just beyond the University Sports Centre so it is best to park in East Car Park which is first right after the Sports Centre and The Edge and which is pay and display.
It's a stunning exhibition which will then go on to Exeter and extremely generous of the University to offer us this chance to see it - and a Tea Party - what could be more charming?
Tea and Cake, Sunday 28 June 2015, 3-5pm
Join other Association members for tea and cake in a lovely local garden, by kind permission of the owners. Look out for your invitation!
Sue Branfoot | Email
Highgrove Garden Tour, May 2015
Final Details, 27 February 2015
Highgrove Garden Tour, May 2015 - Update, 17 February 2015
The LCA is planning a visit to the lovely gardens at Highgrove House. The group booking for May opens on 23 February 2015 when Marian will be glued to her phone to make sure we get the booking we want, 21 or 22 May, which is when the famous wild flower meadows are at their best. Final details will be sent out on 23 February. We have 30 members interested at the moment so we will book 2 groups. For more details and/or if interested in joining the party, contact:
Marian McNeir | Email
Christmas Party, Friday 19 December 2014
Following a most kind and generous offer of hosting from two members, the Lansdown Crescent Association is delighted to announce a Christmas party of drinks and canapés to be held on Friday 19th December from 8pm to 10pm.
For full members the ticket price is £10 each.
Full members can bring one guest for £12.
Non-members may buy tickets at £12 provided they join the Association for 2015 and pay the subscription, with their tickets.
Booking is now closed.
2014 LCA Carol Singing, Wednesday 17 December (17 December 2014)
We are grateful for the opportunity to meet at 17 Lansdown Crescent at 5pm for a carol rehearsal before we go out at 6pm to sing in Lansdown Crescent and the close environs. We collect for the homeless at Julian House.
All members who sing are welcome. Please remember to bring a torch.
Any queries, contact
Marian McNeir (Events Secretary) | Email
Annual General Meeting, Thursday 27 March 2014
The 2014 AGM was held at St Stephen's Church Centre. Minutes and committee reports are now available on the Members' Information page.
Winter Party, 28 February 2014
The Association's winter party was very kindly hosted at short notice at the home of two members, following water damage at the home of a third. We are very grateful to them all. The evening was much enjoyed, and around 40 members attended.
Summer Party, 28 July 2013
LCA's summer party was held in the large garden of 20 Lansdown Crescent, in mercifully splendid weather. Well over 60 attended. A presentation was made to Dr Marianna Clark who has lived continuously in the Association's area for the last 61 years, during which she has been a GP, a magistrate, a Councillor, Mayoress, a trustee of both the Holburne and the Bath Preservation Trust, and a renowned supporter of the Arts. She was a founder member and Chairman of the LCA; and co-founded the Museum of Bath at Work.
Visit to no.1 Royal Crescent, 26 February 2013
Before no.1 reopened in the summer of 2013 following the acquisition of no.1A, the Association arranged a preview visit for for about 40 members on February 26th 2013, which was much enjoyed