Planning and Development

Retrofitting Listed Buildings

Wednesday 15th May

Free Webinar

Owners and occupiers of listed buildings are invited to attend the first in a series of events that will help them to understand how they can save energy while also conserving their property.

The events are being organised by the grant-funded Green Heritage Homes project, a collaboration between Bath & North East Somerset Council, Bath & West Community Energy (BWCE), Bath Preservation Trust, the Centre for Sustainable Energy and People Powered Retrofit, which aims to improve understanding of energy efficiency works to listed buildings.

The first event will be a free webinar on Wednesday 15 May and will feature talks from several of the partner organisations: Bath & North East Somerset Planning & Conservation team will talk about applying for Listed Building Consent; BWCE will be outlining the retrofit services it offers to help owners and occupiers; and Bath Preservation Trust will be discussing how the historic significance of a building is assessed when considering energy measures.

More details can be found by clicking the link below:

Bristol Airport expansion


Dear members

One of our residents, Dr Nick Bishop, has been active in campaigning to stop the planned expansion to Bristol Airport. The original application was turned down by B&NES. However, the Airport has launched an appeal against this refusal.

Nick is extremely concerned about the plans for more night-time flights over Bath and Lansdown which would be greatly increased. His concern is focused on the noise and environmental impacts on Bath which have not been considered in the Bristol Airport application.

The Committee decided to write to Wera Hobhouse and Councillor Dine Romero this week to detail our concerns.

In addition we would urge you to register your views too , see link attached.

If you would like to use the evidence Nick has produced for the basis of your objection this is also attached.

Bath Council Liveable Neighbourhoods Consultation

Liveable Neighbourhoods.jpg

Dear Members

Please find a consultation document from Bath Council, (very clear and straight forward to complete). This is the first stage of consultations which the Council will undertake. The document is seeking views for their city wide approach.

I hope that you find the time to participate in the online survey. The vote taken at this year’s LCA AGM demonstrates an appetite amongst our membership for improvements across the city and a recognition that rat-running needs to be addressed on our residential streets and heritage environments; so please take part and make sure that your views are registered. 


Rachael Hushon

Chair Lansdown Crescent Association 

North Somerset Planning Authority refuses application to expand Bristol Airport

Bristol Airport Expansion.jpg

Please click here to read the BBC report on the planning rejection

Please click here to read the letter written on behalf of LCA and FoBRA to Wera Hobhouse MP, expressing opposition to Bristol Airport’s expansion plans

And here’s the response from Wera Hothouse MP:

Dear Dr Bishop, 

Many thanks for your letter, sharing the concerns of the Lansdown Crescent Association about the proposals to expand Bristol Airport. 

As you may be aware, North Somerset Council recently made the decision to reject the planning application for the Airport's expansion. Given the urgency of the climate emergency, I very much believe that this was the right decision and include a link to my comments on it here:

You raised the very important point in your letter that the plans did not include sufficient infrastructure for public transport to reach the airport, instead including an additional 2,100 extra parking spaces. If the Airport is serious about reducing its carbon emissions, then it should be encouraging use of public transport, rather than private car.

A number of constituents have raised concerns over noise pollution from aircrafts, and I understand their frustrations, particularly when noise is late at night or especially disruptive. I have previously contacted the Airport so that they are aware of these concerns. 

I recognise that flying is a part of life in a global world, however, the scale of the climate crisis means that we have a moral duty not to expand an industry that contributes to it. Innovation will play a key role in addressing the climate crisis, and aviation is no exception. Whereas the transition to electric vehicles is helping to reduce the impact of car travel on the environment, we do not yet have an alternative to jet fuel, and I believe we should support the aviation industry in the development of new fuels and, if necessary, new designs of planes.

However, while these technologies have not yet been developed, the aviation industry cannot be allowed to expand above its current size. In our manifesto, my Liberal Democrat colleagues and I put forward a number of suggestions for reducing the climate impact of flying, including reform the taxation of international flights and placing a moratorium on the development of new runways in the UK. I believe that the climate emergency is the biggest challenge that currently faces us and, with this in mind, I welcome the decision to reject expansion of Bristol Airport.

Please pass on my thanks to the rest of the Lansdown Crescent Association for getting in touch to share their concerns, and I hope that this response helps to clarify my position. If I can be of any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me.
With best wishes,

Wera Hobhouse
Liberal Democrat MP for Bath
01225 307024