News from the Connecting Communities Team


Staying Connected

We know that it is a really difficult time for everyone right now particularly having to adjust to new ways of working, possibly going into self-isolation and being separated from family and friends.  We know how important it is to stay connected and to keep in touch with what is happening, particularly as the situation is changing daily.  We have been overwhelmed by the amazing stories of our communities coming together; setting up their own support networks, telephone befriending services, helping out with shopping, local pubs offering takeaways.  This community spirit and resilience is remarkable and we really appreciate everyone efforts to help out wherever they can.

During this difficult time when social contact is limited and we are unable to meet, we want to continue to use our Forum network to stay in touch and to keep you updated with the latest information.  We also want to make sure you have the necessary support that you need.  We will ensure that we try to avoid duplicating information as much as possible and only contact you when we have new information to share.  If there are areas that you want to know more about, please do tell us so that we can target the information more effectively.   

 The team are contactable on our usual email addresses and contact numbers, see contact information below.  Keeping connected with people is really important at this time and we are here to support you.

In this communication we are focussing on :

Community support – What is happening in your area? - We need your help to find out.

The Council is supporting Virgincare and the 3SG to set up a helpline to signpost people to services and support in their community.  We want your help to find out what is happening on the ground in your area.  

We have developed a short survey and would appreciate it if you could provide us with information about community websites, local shopping, on-line activities, community meals etc, anything that would help the team to signpost services to local people.  

The survey should take no more than a couple of minutes to complete.  Thank you in advance for your help.

The 3SG are also recruiting a network of volunteers, called Compassionate Community Volunteers, to help local community groups and charities as they work to support elderly or vulnerable people self-isolating.  More than a thousand people from across Bath and North East Somerset have already signed up to volunteer.  Here is how to sign up.  Charities and community groups who would like support from 3SG’s volunteers, should post their volunteer opportunities here

Funding for community organisations and businesses

  • Quartet have launched a Coronavirus Response fund to support local activities – find out more information here.  

  • Information about the latest business grant funding will be available on Invest Bath’s website as well as our Funding Journal.  The Council will be contacting eligible businesses as soon as we know the exact eligibility and payment mechanism for the government grants.

Useful links 

The following links provide useful, factual and regularly updated information on COVID -19: 

  • Overview of COVID-19 – what is it? Common questions and answers on COVID-19 including advice for families, prevention, how it’s caught and spread, self-isolation, test and treatment, and foreign travel.

  • NHS 111 – Check if you have symptoms 

  • Social distancing: Please read the social distancing measures we should all be taking to reduce social interaction between people in order to reduce the transmission of coronavirus.  

Useful Contact Numbers 

You do not need to contact 111 to tell them you're staying at home, instead use the online 111 coronavirus service: 

  • If people feel they cannot cope with their symptoms at home 

  • their condition gets worse 

  • their symptoms do not get better after 7 days 

Only call 111 if you cannot get help online. 

  • The DfE have set up a new helpline to answer questions about COVID-19 related to education. Staff, parents and young people can contact the helpline as follows: 

  • Telephone: 0800 046 8687 

  • Email:

  • Opening hours: 8am to 6pm (Monday to Friday) 

Sara Dixon 

Locality Manager

Partnership and Corporate Services

Bath & North East Somerset Council

tel: 01225 396594 
