Managing Our Refuse

Dear Members


A polite reminder to manage our refuse correctly during these difficult times. The Council teams have been doing a remarkable job operating with skeleton staff to keep our collections on schedule, and to empty the public bins on streets and in parks.  At the same time, the Sea Gulls are becoming more aggressive as they can’t find food in the town centre and move up the hill to neighbouring areas like Lansdown to attack our bags on refuse nights. 

This means that the Gulls are getting into waste bags which have food in them and leaving a lot of waste across our streets. Whilst Committee members help clear our streets and litter pick, could residents notice whether or not their individual refuse has been “vandalised” by Gulls and if so kindly tidy it to keep our neighbourhood clean. The Council don’t have the capacity currently to send their street cleansing teams to do this for us.

Many thanks.

Donation to the Bath Preservation Trust

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The Bath Preservation Trust recently contacted all Residents’ Associations in Bath, explaining the severe effect the Coronavirus lockdown is having on funding their operations, resulting in a 90% reduction of the Trust’s income.  Despite putting most staff on furlough, and use of their financial reserves, some conservation and security activities have to continue in their four museums, and also their scrutiny of planning applications, resulting in a need to raise about £12,000 to cover the next six months.  Accordingly, having consulted our Trustees, the LCA Committee decided, at its (virtual) meeting on 21st April, to donate £1,000 immediately to the Trust, with possibly more later, in recognition of its vital role in this World Heritage City, and also of the great help and advice it has given to the LCA, for example in preserving the land above Dixon Gardens.

Limited Lansdown P&R buses Mondays to Fridays from Monday 27th April

Please refer to the earlier blog post to see details of the original suspension of Lansdown Park & Ride, and the 620 bus service that partially met its need.

Lansdown Park and Ride Bus.jpg

The three Park and Ride bus services will re-start on a limited basis on Monday 27th April.  People should continue to follow the government guidelines and only travel by bus if essential. This includes for essential shopping, accessing medicines and for key-workers to travel to work.  First will be taping off some seats on buses to enforce social distancing, so each bus will be able to carry far fewer passengers.  Timetable attached.

Lansdown P&R temp timetable.jpg

Dear all,

I would be grateful if you could share the good news that a limited Lansdown P&R bus service on Mondays to Fridays will be re-introduced by First buses from Monday 27th April. 

Please see further details from Council Officer, Andy Strong (Team Manager, Public Transport) below and poster attached. Andy asked that it be emphasised that people should continue to follow the government guidelines and only travel by bus if essential. This includes for essential shopping, accessing medicines and for key-workers to travel to work.

“A limited P&R service will be re-introduced on Mondays to Fridays from Mon 27 April. It will run every half-hour from 0800 to 1730 with a lunchtime break.

First will be running all 3 P&R services as “all-stops” services to provide more capacity to mainstream bus services. First will be taping off some seats on buses to enforce social distancing so each bus will be able to carry far fewer passengers.

Buses will leave Lansdown P&R site at: 0800 then every half-hour to 1200, then 1330 and every half-hour until 1730.

Buses will leave Milsom Street to return at 0815 then every half-hour to 1145, then 1315 and every half-hour until 1745

We won’t be able to get the service “live” on the RTI system yet and we won’t be able to get information at every single bus stop. But we’ll do what we can to publicise it”

I feel I should share here information, which is in the public domain, that two Bristol First bus drivers have recently died from COVID-19 which is a reminder of the threat posed by this infection especially to key-workers.

With kind regards

Lucy Hodge
Liberal Democrat Councillor for Lansdown Ward

Garden Waste Collections Restarting on 27th April

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We will be restarting fortnightly garden waste collections from Monday 27 April. The garden waste collections were stopped temporarily to prioritise recycling and black bin waste collections from households during this difficult time, and we thank you for your patience.

We will do our best to run a normal service, but please keep an eye on the website for any updates if your bin is not collected. Please ensure your bin is out by 7am on your normal garden waste collection day.

Please make sure your bin is not too heavy and can easily be wheeled to the kerbside and residents are reminded that soil should not be placed in the garden waste bin.

We will be extending the annual subscription period for garden waste bins. Existing garden waste stickers will now be valid until 18th July 2020 to make up for the missed collections.

Waste Services

Lansdown Park and Ride Temporarily Suspended

Lansdown Park and Ride Bus.jpg

The Lansdown Park and Ride service (number 31) will no longer run from Sunday 12th April. The 620 service will continue to provide public transport along the same route but runs much less frequently. In-bound timetable is included below.

 Timetable for inbound 620 service:

620 Bus Timetable.png

A word from our Councillor:

In advance of this decision, both Mark and I independently raised concerns about the withdrawal of the P&R service, in particular the potential impact for elderly residents accessing the shops and key workers without the option of using a car. However, for the reasons set out …, and because of the existence of an alternative, albeit less frequent service, the P&R service will be discontinued for the time-being.

If anyone has a significant concern about this change, please do let me know and I will bring it to the attention of the Cabinet member for Transport, Joanna Wright. 

With kind regards


Lucy Hodge
Liberal Democrat Councillor for Lansdown Ward

New website for St James's Square Community

A message from ST James’s Square independent shops

Dear all

As we are all seeing on the news, supermarkets are seeing shortages and massive queues across the country.

We wanted to let you know that your local independents are here and ready to help.  They have all of the supplies that you need from loo rolls to freshly cooked meals, from fresh meat & vegetables to pharmacy supplies, and most are happy to take orders and payment over the phone and a number will deliver to your door.  Your Resident Association volunteers are also on standby ready to help with collections if and when necessary. 

The group of independents around St James's Square are working on a community website which will be launched next week.  The idea behind the website is to keep the community connected and it will have a lot of information for the residents in the Lansdown and neighbouring areas including contact details of food suppliers and businesses etc who are very keen to help.  The website will also hope to have regular updates and links to other things like "fitness in your home" ideas, self-help and other important information.  Contributions and ideas from locals will be most welcome!

We will email again when the website is live and we really hope that this initiative will enable your neighbourhood independents to support you, while you support them, in the coming weeks and months ahead!  We want residents to continue to feel connected and supported within the community.

The website address is:  and it’s now live, so please visit it regularly for updates.

Take care everyone

from St James's Square Bath and your local independents.


Our Wonderful Sheep!

Many residents will have noticed that the little flock of sheep and lambs disappeared this week.  June is the month for shearing so the sheep returned to Kelston to join the main flock to be done.  As Spring this year proved to be very hot and dry, the grass on the field is only able to support a small number of sheep so just the rams and older sheep have returned for now. Depending on favourable weather and grass growth, more sheep may return in due course.  We keep our fingers crossed!

Here are a few photos of our wonderful sheep

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Tupping Rams.jpeg

3SG Compassionate Communities

3SG is working with Bath & North East Somerset through its Compassionate Communities Project to offer support to community groups and charities as they work to help elderly or vulnerable people self-isolating.

More than a thousand people from across Bath and North East Somerset have already volunteered. If you're healthy and at low-risk, you can be a Compassionate Community Connector.

Volunteer Sign Up Link


Larkhall Deliveries


Larkhall shops are doing a joint delivery service to BA1 and BA2 postcodes. You simply have to call the shop you want to purchase from to place your order, and it will be delivered the next day. Phone numbers for the shops are as follows:

Larkhall Butchers - 01225 313987

Larkhall Farm Shop - 01225 319968

Goodies Delicatessen - 01225 336033

Larkhall Deli - 01225 444634

Ma Cuisine - 01225 312959

Larkhall Shops.jpg

News from the Connecting Communities Team


Staying Connected

We know that it is a really difficult time for everyone right now particularly having to adjust to new ways of working, possibly going into self-isolation and being separated from family and friends.  We know how important it is to stay connected and to keep in touch with what is happening, particularly as the situation is changing daily.  We have been overwhelmed by the amazing stories of our communities coming together; setting up their own support networks, telephone befriending services, helping out with shopping, local pubs offering takeaways.  This community spirit and resilience is remarkable and we really appreciate everyone efforts to help out wherever they can.

During this difficult time when social contact is limited and we are unable to meet, we want to continue to use our Forum network to stay in touch and to keep you updated with the latest information.  We also want to make sure you have the necessary support that you need.  We will ensure that we try to avoid duplicating information as much as possible and only contact you when we have new information to share.  If there are areas that you want to know more about, please do tell us so that we can target the information more effectively.   

 The team are contactable on our usual email addresses and contact numbers, see contact information below.  Keeping connected with people is really important at this time and we are here to support you.

In this communication we are focussing on :

Community support – What is happening in your area? - We need your help to find out.

The Council is supporting Virgincare and the 3SG to set up a helpline to signpost people to services and support in their community.  We want your help to find out what is happening on the ground in your area.  

We have developed a short survey and would appreciate it if you could provide us with information about community websites, local shopping, on-line activities, community meals etc, anything that would help the team to signpost services to local people.  

The survey should take no more than a couple of minutes to complete.  Thank you in advance for your help.

The 3SG are also recruiting a network of volunteers, called Compassionate Community Volunteers, to help local community groups and charities as they work to support elderly or vulnerable people self-isolating.  More than a thousand people from across Bath and North East Somerset have already signed up to volunteer.  Here is how to sign up.  Charities and community groups who would like support from 3SG’s volunteers, should post their volunteer opportunities here

Funding for community organisations and businesses

  • Quartet have launched a Coronavirus Response fund to support local activities – find out more information here.  

  • Information about the latest business grant funding will be available on Invest Bath’s website as well as our Funding Journal.  The Council will be contacting eligible businesses as soon as we know the exact eligibility and payment mechanism for the government grants.

Useful links 

The following links provide useful, factual and regularly updated information on COVID -19: 

  • Overview of COVID-19 – what is it? Common questions and answers on COVID-19 including advice for families, prevention, how it’s caught and spread, self-isolation, test and treatment, and foreign travel.

  • NHS 111 – Check if you have symptoms 

  • Social distancing: Please read the social distancing measures we should all be taking to reduce social interaction between people in order to reduce the transmission of coronavirus.  

Useful Contact Numbers 

You do not need to contact 111 to tell them you're staying at home, instead use the online 111 coronavirus service: 

  • If people feel they cannot cope with their symptoms at home 

  • their condition gets worse 

  • their symptoms do not get better after 7 days 

Only call 111 if you cannot get help online. 

  • The DfE have set up a new helpline to answer questions about COVID-19 related to education. Staff, parents and young people can contact the helpline as follows: 

  • Telephone: 0800 046 8687 

  • Email:

  • Opening hours: 8am to 6pm (Monday to Friday) 

Sara Dixon 

Locality Manager

Partnership and Corporate Services

Bath & North East Somerset Council

tel: 01225 396594 


Community Clear-up on 15th March

The Community Clear-up on 15th March was cancelled because of a poor weather forecast, but a few members attended anyway, continuing clearance work on the path down to Park Street.  They managed to cut, sweep and bag-up 51 sacks, as the photo shows, but there’s still plenty to do, so we’re going to meet again next Sunday, 22nd March, opposite 7 Lansdown Place West - CANCELLED.  All welcome (and bring hand sanitiser, as well as sturdy footwear and strong gloves!).

Work party 15.03.20 - 1.jpg

North Somerset Planning Authority refuses application to expand Bristol Airport

Bristol Airport Expansion.jpg

Please click here to read the BBC report on the planning rejection

Please click here to read the letter written on behalf of LCA and FoBRA to Wera Hobhouse MP, expressing opposition to Bristol Airport’s expansion plans

And here’s the response from Wera Hothouse MP:

Dear Dr Bishop, 

Many thanks for your letter, sharing the concerns of the Lansdown Crescent Association about the proposals to expand Bristol Airport. 

As you may be aware, North Somerset Council recently made the decision to reject the planning application for the Airport's expansion. Given the urgency of the climate emergency, I very much believe that this was the right decision and include a link to my comments on it here:

You raised the very important point in your letter that the plans did not include sufficient infrastructure for public transport to reach the airport, instead including an additional 2,100 extra parking spaces. If the Airport is serious about reducing its carbon emissions, then it should be encouraging use of public transport, rather than private car.

A number of constituents have raised concerns over noise pollution from aircrafts, and I understand their frustrations, particularly when noise is late at night or especially disruptive. I have previously contacted the Airport so that they are aware of these concerns. 

I recognise that flying is a part of life in a global world, however, the scale of the climate crisis means that we have a moral duty not to expand an industry that contributes to it. Innovation will play a key role in addressing the climate crisis, and aviation is no exception. Whereas the transition to electric vehicles is helping to reduce the impact of car travel on the environment, we do not yet have an alternative to jet fuel, and I believe we should support the aviation industry in the development of new fuels and, if necessary, new designs of planes.

However, while these technologies have not yet been developed, the aviation industry cannot be allowed to expand above its current size. In our manifesto, my Liberal Democrat colleagues and I put forward a number of suggestions for reducing the climate impact of flying, including reform the taxation of international flights and placing a moratorium on the development of new runways in the UK. I believe that the climate emergency is the biggest challenge that currently faces us and, with this in mind, I welcome the decision to reject expansion of Bristol Airport.

Please pass on my thanks to the rest of the Lansdown Crescent Association for getting in touch to share their concerns, and I hope that this response helps to clarify my position. If I can be of any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me.
With best wishes,

Wera Hobhouse
Liberal Democrat MP for Bath
01225 307024